Common mistakes that causes athlete’s foot

Many people like to walk while other people not so much, but what is really uncomfortable for everyone is to walk with athlete’s foot. The great majority of people does not know why the fungus appears, that’s why we present you the most common mistakes that cause athlete’s foot.


Closed footwear

To use closed footwear is one of the most common causes of athlete’s foot. The close footwear could trap humidity in our feet, and as a result, the fungus can appear. 


Do not dry properly your feet when you take a shower 

Believe it or not, not drying your feet properly is another common cause for athlete’s foot. The humidity between the toes can create the perfect place for fungus to appear.


Walk barefoot 

Walking barefoot in shared spaces is another cause of athlete’s foot because you are being exposed to a great number of germs that can cause infections.


The best way to prevent or remove fungus on your feet is by using products from the Hongo Killer family, that has a great variety of options to prevent or remove athlete’s foot.